

Skate Winnipeg is a not-for-profit, volunteer-run organization. Family participation is required for the effective and successful operation of Skate Winnipeg.

The volunteer commitment is:

  • Pre-junior, Star 1- 5 &Adult/Teen: 6  hours per skater
  • Star 6-Gold & podium pathway: 10 hours per skater 
  • Families with more than one skater: 14 hours per family
  • ALL Skate Winnipeg members are required to volunteer at the Super Skate  Competition.
  • CANSkate program participants are always welcome and encouraged to volunteer, but it is not a requirement. However, when you sign your child up to participate in a CANSkate event at a Skate Winnipeg hosted competition, we will ask you to volunteer a minimum of 2 hours so that we may deliver a successful experience for your child.

Please note: 

This commitment must be completed within the Skate Canada skating season, which runs from September 1st to August 31st

**Volunteer Fee: 2023-2024 season: $250

*For skaters (excluding CanSKATE) starting registrations in January of any given year,
Four hours of volunteer time per skater.

For skaters (excluding CanSKATE) starting registrations in April of any given year,
Two hours of volunteer time per skater.

**The volunteer fee for skaters (excluding CanSKATE) starting registrations in January of any given year is $200.

The volunteer fee for skaters (excluding CanSKATE) starting registrations in April of any given year is $100.

Refund policy for volunteer fee:

  • If you pay in full at registration, your volunteer fee will be charged at the same time. A refund will be done once you meet your requirement.
  • If you pay via installments, the volunteer fee will be charged at the end of August or won’t be charged once you meet your requirement.

Volunteer Opportunities include but are not limited to:

  • Competitions: There are many volunteer opportunities at competitions, including registration, admissions, announcing, officials & coach hospitality, set up and take down, ice captains, first aid, sponsorship, runners, videography, medals, signage, and competition programs.
  • Manitoba Summer Open: Held in July.
  • Super Skate: Held in November.
  • Regionals: Held in January/February.
  • Annual AGM & Dinner: Held in April each year. Includes coordination of awards, booking venue, arranging dinner and skater activity.
  • Music Player: Managing the music at designated skating sessions.
  • Assessment Days: Collecting fees, paperwork, and official hospitality.
  • Club Clothing: Coordination of club apparel orders and distribution to skaters.
  • Skate Winnipeg Board Member: Nominations required in March if interested in becoming a member.
  • Skate Winnipeg Competition Committee Member: duties as assigned.
  • Webmaster/Social Media Coordinator
  • Photographer

How to Sign-up for VOLUNTEER positions:

  1. Go to the Volunteer SignUp link (or click on Registration in the menu bar above);
  2. Click on the RED “Add Volunteer Position” button and LOGIN to sign-up;
  3. Select your volunteer position and slot to sign up!
Click on red “Add Volunteer Position” button and LOGIN.

Thank you to all our volunteers!