Payment & Refund Policies

Payment & Refund Policies

All transactions will be completed in Canadian Dollars.

Skate Canada Fee – Any skater who is not currently a Skate Canada member will be required to pay an additional Skate Canada member fee, which will be added to the registration fees.

Test Fees – Test fees are not included in your ice fees. These fees must be submitted to the Music Station in person on the closing date of final test submissions. Cheques must be submitted with the full information completed on the test envelope. 

All CanSkate fees must be paid in full upon registration in Canadian Funds only. An installment payment policy is available for qualifying Star Skate and Competitive skaters (Star/Competitive Installment Policy).

Any NSF Cheques will be charged a $25.00 administration fee.

NO refunds after the earlier of the date indicated in the registration system or the start date of each session. All approved refunds will be subjected to a $25 Administration charge.

If injured, refunds will ONLY be considered when accompanied by a Doctor’s note fully explaining the injury and the required time off.

A $25 late fee will be applied to registrations that occur after the start of the season.

To be eligible for scholarships and bursaries from Skate Winnipeg, skaters are expected to be Program Assistants, if eligible, and to help the skating club and volunteer beyond base hours throughout the year. 

Skate Winnipeg reserves the right to change or cancel any program for which there is insufficient paid registration. In the event of any program change or cancellation, the registrants will be offered a full or pro-rated refund, as appropriate.

We accept

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Skaters must be registered at their appropriate level. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

Junior Level: Completed Stage 5 of the CanSkate Program, and working on Star 1-5
Intermediate Level: Must have attained complete Star 4 Freeskate Test 
Senior Level: Must have attained complete Senior Silver Freeskate Test

Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy and are committed to maintaining your confidence and trust. Accordingly we maintain the following privacy policy to protect personal information you provide online. Any information you give to us will be held with extreme care and will not be used in ways that you have not consented to.

If you choose to email us and provide personally identifiable information about yourself, we will not use the information for any purpose other than to respond to your inquiry. We do not sell, rent, loan, trade or lease any personal information collected on our site. Our web site logs are not personally identifiable and we make no attempt to link them with the individuals that actually browse the site.

Our web sites track information about the visits to the web site. For example, it compiles statistics that show the daily number of visitors to the site, the daily requests received for particular files on the web site, and what countries those requests come from. These aggregated statistics are used internally to provide better services to the public and may also be provided to others, but again, the statistics contain no personal information and cannot be used to gather such information.

On our web site, you may find links to third party web sites. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy policies or content on third party sites. Therefore, it is recommended that you read the privacy policy of third party web sites for your information.

If you have any questions concerning this privacy policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Other Terms & Conditions

We do not export any good or services.

All programs will take place at the location indicated in the program registration. We do not offer any products for purchase on this site.

Additionally to the general terms and conditions, you will be required to accept the policies as required by each particular program during your registration process.

Skate Winnipeg – Skater’s Code of Conduct

Skaters will not go on the ice until the zamboni has left the ice and the zamboni gate is closed.

1. Skaters shall always be aware of all other skaters on the ice and shall maintain a safe distance from all other skaters. Skaters taking a private lesson have priority of movement over all other skaters, followed by skaters performing a program or pattern to music, and all other skaters are required to give way.

2. Manners are always important. Coaches should not be asked to move and they should always be shown respect. Yelling across the ice is not appropriate. Please be respectful of all skaters and coaches at all times.

3. Please do not stand still in the middle of the ice. If you do take a break, make sure to stand against the boards away from the LUTZ corners.

4. Do not stop and talk to spectators in the viewing gallery. This creates a potentially dangerous situation since you are not paying attention to the other skaters.

5. A private lesson should never be interrupted or interfered with, by another skater or any other person.

6. No FREESKATING is allowed during the dance or skills portion of the session unless a skater is in a lesson with a coach.

7. All skaters shall use appropriate language at all times. Swearing or the use of abusive language at any time is not appropriate. The rink is a training centre for all ages.

A disruptive skater takes lesson time away from other skaters. In fairness to other skaters in the group, a skater who refuses to stay with his or her own group or who does not follow the rules of conduct will be removed from the ice.

The first coach hired by the skater’s parents for private lessons is known as the base or primary coach. In accordance with Skate Canada guidelines, any other coach wishing to teach the skater in any discipline must first get approval from the Primary Coach. Please be aware it is against Skate Canada Guidelines for any coach to ‘solicit’ a skater away from another coach. If through meeting and discussion with their Primary Coach, a skater and parent determine that it is in the skater’s best interest to make a coaching change, and there are valid and beneficial reasons, then etiquette dictates that the skater’s parents ask their selected new coach if they would be willing, and have time to teach the skater. If so, then the parents inform the former coach of the change and pay them in full before taking any lessons from the new coach. Skate Canada and Skate Winnipeg requires that the former primary coach gracefully relinquish any skater that wishes to change coaches. 

Skate Winnipeg – Parent’s Code of Conduct

Be aware of a skater’s self esteem. Encouraging words are always welcome. Bragging, boasting and put downs are neither acceptable nor tolerated in any way. This is especially important on Test Days and at Competitions. Personal Bests are what we encourage, not medals.

Any parent who is concerned that their child’s self esteem or skating ability is being attacked by another skater or parent/guardian, should speak to their skater’s coach, who will in turn discuss the situation with the appropriate parties. In the event that an acceptable resolution is not achieved OR the parent is uncomfortable discussing the situation with the coach, the parent is encouraged to approach an Executive of the Board of Directors with the matter.

In a public forum, defamatory remarks made about a skater, parent, coach, judge, program, competition, or ‘the club’ itself are not constructive and will not be tolerated. If a problem, situation or issue has developed with one of the above mentioned entities, the parent is encouraged to discuss the matter with their coach, utilizing a private venue. In the event that an acceptable resolution is not achieved OR the parent is uncomfortable discussing the situation with the coach, the parent is encouraged to approach an Executive of the Board of Directors with the matter.

Only currently registered, card holding Skate Canada Certified and qualified coaches may stand board side at any and all sessions with skaters. Please be prepared to provide credentials if you are challenged by a coach, or member of the Executive. Please note, parents and others are not qualified to coach their child or any other child. If you are interested in Coaching, please go to the Skate Canada Website for more information on how to become a Qualified Skate Canada Coach.

As a member of Skate Winnipeg, adherence to the Skater’s & Parent’s Codes of Conduct is essential to maintain good relationships between all professional and non-professional members. Unwillingness to follow the Code may result in action being taken with possible result of the Club membership being revoked.

All members shall always demonstrate good sportsmanship, courtesy, consideration, and respect towards others.

Tips for parents:
• Allow your child to be an athlete
• Judge your athlete on their ability
• Respect your athlete’s coach
• Encourage your athlete
• Be involved

A Note to Parents:
Test days are held regularly at Skate Winnipeg to evaluate skaters on Skate Canada test requirements in Skills, Dance and Freeskate. Our test days are large and require considerable organization and planning. All evaluators must be contacted, lists of skaters trying tests obtained, extra ice booked, fees collected, etc. It is therefore important to have a cut-off date after which a skater cannot be pulled from a test without penalty. Test fees (or a doctor’s note) must be submitted to the Test Chair.