The schedule for Tuesday, September 26’s test day at Eric Coy arena is below. 2017-09-26 TEST DAY SCHEDULE
The schedule for Tuesday, September 26’s test day at Eric Coy arena is below. 2017-09-26 TEST DAY SCHEDULE
Eric Coy Star/Competitive Skaters, The City of Winnipeg needs to address a structural issue at Eric Coy arena. As a result, the venues for Eric Coy sessions from September 19 to 23 are changed as per below. Note, all ice times remain the same. Tuesday, September 19th – now at Billy…
Thursday Eric Coy skaters, please note the following pre-season (September) ice time changes: September 7, 14, 21 & 28th ice times are from 5:45 to 7:45 p.m. (not 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.)