A reminder to Thursday Eric Coy Senior skaters, you are invited to skate on Monday, January 2nd at Billy Mosienko or Tuesday, January 3rd at Eric Coy as an extra make up session due to the loss of ice at Eric Coy in late January.
A reminder to Thursday Eric Coy Senior skaters, you are invited to skate on Monday, January 2nd at Billy Mosienko or Tuesday, January 3rd at Eric Coy as an extra make up session due to the loss of ice at Eric Coy in late January.
With the month of December upon us, we would like to wish our skaters, coaches, volunteers and their families a wonderful holiday season and pass along some important information: Please see this schedule for first days back in January – http://skatewinnipeg.ca/2016/11/winter-break-last-days-first-days-back/. As you plan for 2017, mark Friday, February 10, 2017…
Please note there is no Junior session on Saturday, December 17th at Eric Coy from 8:00-9:45 a.m. as a High Test Day will be held on this session. See you in the new year!
Congratulations to all five Skate Winnipeg skaters on their performances at this past weekend’s 2017 Challenge! Over 500 of the finest skaters from across Canada competed in the 2017 Skate Canada Challenge. Skaters qualified to compete at Challenge through their sectional championships. Challenge is an opportunity to qualify for the Canadian Tire National…